Trinity Fellowship Sermon Podcast

Join us in exploring the importance of staying faithful to God's guidance and gain insights from the intriguing tale of false prophets in this podcast. Discover how wisdom and discernment become your trusted allies in protecting your faith in a world filled with deceptive influences.

Direct download: The_Lying_Prophet__Special_Guest__Gary_Denzer__Trinity_Fellowship.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:47pm CDT

In this powerful sermon If Life Were a Game by Pastor Bradley Rogers at Trinity Fellowship, we delve into the idea of finding true meaning in surrendering to a higher purpose. Discover the wisdom he gained from a humorous game of Monopoly and how it relates to our life's journey. Join us for this thought-provoking message on embracing grace, running the race of faith, and letting go of the need to always win. Don't miss this inspiring sermon that reminds us that sometimes, losing is the path to the ultimate victory.

Direct download: If_Life_Were_a_Game-audio.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:10pm CDT

In this episode, Pastor Darren discusses the story of Diotrephes in 3rd John chapter one. Diotrephes was a figure in the early church who sought to control and dominate the church according to his own agenda. Pastor Darren highlights John's wisdom and authority as the Apostle and how Diotrephes audaciously challenged him despite John's experience. The video encourages viewers to reflect on and identify controlling behavior in their own lives and emphasizes the need to avoid such tendencies within families, workplaces, and communities. Join us for an insightful exploration of this narrative and how we can steer clear of being a "Diotrephes" in our interactions and relationships.

Direct download: Diotrephes_Was_a_Runner__Pastor_Darren_Rogers__Trinity_Fellowship.mp3
Category:Sermons -- posted at: 3:34pm CDT